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Our service runs at 99.9% availability and we have service centres at independent UK locations with self-healing technology. Therefore if a server ever fails, it is immediately removed from the cluster and re-booted, resulting in minimal disruption.

Staff Support

Our office opening hours are 9am-5:30pm Monday to Friday.  If you experience any problems during this time, our technical team will be on hand to help.

Out of normal business hours, we have emergency staff on call who are notified of any issues with our server, and can work to rectify them.

24/7 Monitoring Systems

We centrally monitor our servers, meaning that our engineering staff are alerted to any problems in real time and immediately work to correct the problem.

Self-Healing Technology:

All of our calls are load balanced across various media servers. Our media servers are constantly monitored, meaning that if one of them stops responding, it is automatically removed from the cluster ensuring minimum impact. If a fault occurs in our hardware, this is automatically recognised by our monitors, and the hardware will be restarted, again minimising any disruption to our customers.